Cruise Gate Hamburg attended the IAPH (International Association of Ports and Harbors) World Port Conference from 7 to 9 May in Baku, Azerbaijan. Managing director Sacha Rougier was invited as speaker at the WOMENS FORUM to an inspiring SESSION ON CROSS-CULTURAL COOPERATION IN GLOBAL SHIPPING AND LOGISTICS ENVIRONMENTS on 9 May. Questions related to – inter alia – managing communication and cultural conflict in the cruise industry, since Cruise companies derive their crew from around the globe, bringing together a diversity of nationalities, cultures and professional expertise and individual uniqueness from many different countries. As terminal operator for the three cruise terminals in the port of Hamburg, Sacha Rougier provided some valuable insights and gave concrete examples of best practices of the European shipping industry where ships are already “United Nations” with so many nationalities onboard.
In March 2017, Sacha Rougier was appointed Chair of the IAPH Cruise Committee.
IAPH Women’s Forum (IAPHWF) was founded by Naomi Kogon-Steinberg and has been established on May 22, 2012 at the MidTerm Conference in Jerusalem. IAPHWF is open to all women, both IAPH members and non-IAPH members, who are interested in networking, examining best practices, solving professional challenges and working together teaching the goals of the Forum.
Set up by IAPH on May 2, 2017, was the World Ports sustainable Program (WPSP). It is guided by the 17 United Nation sustainable Development Goals (17 UN SDGs) to enhance and coordinate future sustainability efforts of port community actors worldwide and foster international cooperation with partners in the supply chain, governments and societal stakeholders. As Chair of the IAPH Cruise Committee, Sacha Rougier´s intention within the IAPH Cruise Committee is to establish a capital benchmark between ports regarding future-proof infrastructure, climate and energy, societal integration of ports, safety and security as well as governance and ethics.
IAPH World Port Conference 2018, Baku