The latest news by Cruise Europe (CE) sum up and provide information on which member ports are open and willing and able to provide lay-by facilities for the ships that are now coming out of service.
Hamburg is accepting cruiseships for disembarkation and also to wait in the port. There are six places available for all type of ships.
“We do have several requests for different periods of time. In three cases we do have normal cruise terminals, for the other three we asked commercial piers,” explains Sacha Rougier, managing director Cruise Gate Hamburg. AIDAaura and AIDAcara are already being accommodated.
“Hamburg will stay open for normal container traffic for evident logistic reasons. The port will accept all requests for parking and will try to find a place for them. As a terminal operator, we are in daily contact with the harbour master”.
To allow ships to stay in port, 24/24h security is being set up around the ship. The ships are linked to the terminals and piers with gangway or passenger boarding bridge 24/24h with the CGH team being on call 24/24h.
You will find the entire article and all information concerning the other CE member ports on the Cruise Europe website: https://www.cruiseeurope.com/news/news-ce-press-1584611818/